Checking in

Hey girl,

How are you really? It’s been long since I checked in. Are you okay? My apologies I have not been around to go through this life with you. This year has been one of the toughest for you, from child birth to raising a small human and still taking care of the toddler,how have you been keeping it all together? From working on negative sleep, handling your office work, having time for your kids and family and still have space for catch up with friends. I heard that there’re days you could skip to shower and so is your kids. I ask again, how are you really? There are some silent battles you are fighting that no one knows about but still manage to keep your head above water. How are you not drowning? How are you still showing up so strong? This year you turned 30 in August. How’s third floor like?Any lessons you’ve picked up? Are there any you can share with your 20 year old self? Let’s shelf this for another day. What’s your current favorite food to eat? What music are you into that is if you’re getting time for that? What are you currently watching? How many melt downs have you had so far? I ain’t judging but I feel like with all that you are going through, you can’t miss at least one. How’s motherhood? Is it as fulfilling? Is it consuming you? Are you enjoying marriage? Do you feel loved and appreciated? Where’s your head space at? Do you still love your husband? Do you have time for yourself? How’s the relationship between you and yourself? How often do you bring yourself home? Where is HOME for you? Is it a place? Is it in your Children? Is it your husband? Is it your place of work? Have you made any meaningful friendships this year? Have you achieved any of your goals? Even just one? What are you currently into? What’s your obsession? What is giving you peace? What is making you feel alive? Have you by any chance lost yourself? There’s a possibility with all that you’re going through. Do you plan on bringing yourself home? What are you dying to do but have no time for or the mum guilt in you can not allow you to? Are you putting yourself out there? Are you more that just a mother, wife and employee or you’re letting all these titles consume you? Are you HAPPY ? I believe today was your anniversary, how was it? Was the day fulfilling or I stop it with the questions? How’s your relationship with your family and in-laws? To be honest, my apologies I haven’t been there for you when you needed me most. I promise to do better, I promise to walk by you and with you. I promise to be there beside you every step of the way. You will never walk alone going forward. Tomorrow we begin a fresh’re stronger than you think. All I wish for you is inner peace and genuine happiness. You at least owe that to yourself . You can’t pour from an empty cup, your children needs a happy mother.