Lessons learned in 2017

1. You can’t convince someone to stay.

2. Hurting is better than feeling numb.

3. Being single can feel better than being in a relationship where you feel more alone.

4. Some people will hate every bit of you and all you can do is accept that and move on.

5. Friends will come and go, don’t let that ruin your self esteem.

6. Pounds will come and go, don’t let a number define you.

7. Every person you know is struggling with something. Reach out.

8. Sex feels way better when it’s with someone who you care about.

9. No matter how much you like someone, it doesn’t mean they will automatically reciprocate those feelings.

10. Never ever chase someone

who doesn’t want to be chased.

11. You are worth more than you think you are.

12. Good friends are hard to find, so when you find them, hold on tight.

13. Sometimes life is shitty. But life will also go on.

14. Don’t ever say no to Paris, or New York, or LA, or your dreams for a boy.

15. You will never get to where you want to be in life by complaining.

16. Boys will continue to ghost you, hurt you, and disappoint you. But boys will also continue to give you butterflies, make you giddy, and give you love.

17. This is YOUR life. Don’t live just to please other people



Dear Imelda

Dear Imelda,

How are you? How have you been? How’s life treating you? Is the universe being fair or unfair to you? How are you coping with life? Family? Work? Social life? Are you happy?

How much have you accomplished since we last spoke? What’s your current passion? Do you still have your friends with you? Do you create time for your loved ones. You were always good at gifting. Do you still spread love to people around you?

I know I’m asking so much at once but I really want to know how you’re doing. Did you finally get confirmed at your work place? How’s corporate life like? Do you enjoy what you do? How about the people that you work with? Again I’m going to ask, are you happy? Are you living the life you’ve always wanted?

I heard you moved out. How’s that life like? Are you enjoying your freedom? What sort of things are you into nowadays? What’s your current favorite food,drink,music,best place to hang out in, favorite TV show? How’s your emotional Intelligence like? Do you still feel too much? Do you give your all to what you do? Are you in any relationship at the moment? And if you are, how is it like? I hope you’ve learned some of the lessons from your previous relationships. What’s his name? How’s your story like? Does he make you happy? Do you see a future with him? Do you pray for him? What kind of things are you guys into? Maaahn I want to know so much about you Imelda. Since you turned 25 I just feel like we’ve lost track of time. We don’t talk much anymore and you know how much I hate being put in the dark.

How’s your family like? Your siblings? Is Wendy done with school? How about Alex and Joseph. Did they join campus already? I hear dad travels alot. How is he? Does he enjoy his job? How about mum. Is she still full of life? I miss her stories you know. You can never get bored around her. She can tell you the same story a hundredth time with different versions.

How are your friends? Do you still keep in touch? Do you still have the same circle or you got new ones? How are they doing in life? Kindly do keep in touch soonest you read this. I need updates ASAP. Sending you love and light your way.

Write soon.





To My Loving Boyfriend,

To start off, here’s something I don’t say nearly enough: thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart. You do so much for me that I can’t even put into words how much I appreciate everything you do – and have done – for me over the course of our relationship so far. While every couple has their fair share of tiffs and disagreements, thank you for getting through all of them with me and making us a better couple at the other end. With any argument, we don’t just throw in the towel and say we’re done, but we work towards a solution that puts us in a greater place each day. Thank you for always working with me and never giving up on us.

Thank you for being supportive with everything that I want to do. Instead of trying to convince me ‘no’, you’re encouraging me with a ‘yes’ or ‘you got it’. Having you as my number one cheerleader is such a blessing, because I know I’ll always have someone rooting for me. And you know that as much as you’re cheering for me, I’m cheering for you right back. Having such immense support for one another is so important in any relationship, and I’m so lucky to have that kind of love and attention coming from you everyday.

I just wanted to let you know that I appreciate you more than words can write. I could probably talk for hours about how much I love you and how obsessed I am with you, but that’s a little too much to put into an approximately 500 word piece. More importantly than telling you, I hope I’m able to show you everyday through my actions how much of a positive impact you have on my life. I’m certainly not the same person I was when we first started talking over three-four years ago, but I’m definitely a better person today than then, with a big thanks to you for that. You’ve helped me grow so much and I know you’ll help me to improve for the better even more in the future.

I can’t wait to see where life’s adventures take us next. The only thing I know is that I definitely want to enjoy those adventures with you by my side. I promise to keep enjoying all of the little things that make every day with you so amazing. Thank you for the thousandth for everything that you do for me, because I don’t know where I would be – or who I would be – had it not been you by my side all this time. Thank you for , being my best friend, my soulmate, my secret keeper, my confidante and the Love of my life. And if I don’t say it enough, always know I love you and everything that you do always and Forever.

With So Much Love,

Your Very Appreciative Girlfriend

With Love,

